I've been nesting. No, I'm not pregnant. But in the last few weeks I've been compelled to "get it together". And by "it" I mean my home. It hasn't been what I wanted it to be. I never really settled in. I never decorated. I didn't hang pictures. I just lived there. It was purely functional. But that wasn't working for me. I wasn't feeling happy in my space. I tried tapping into my creative side, thinking that is what I was missing, but I was so uninspired! It wasn't until last week that it really clicked. There is something on the horizon for me, but I need to be in a place to receive it. I need to be settled and happy in my own space. It's coming together, but it's taking some sweat. I tackle the household alone; that's my thing. Hubby offers help when he feels I need it but I honestly end up doing things myself anyway. I'm like that. He knows that. So it's cool.
Today I flipped our king sized bed, propped up the entire thing (including the box springs), swept, mopped and put it all back just the way I wanted it. We don't have a bed frame - the bed is so high, we never bothered to get one - and I hated the look of the bare box spring. I tried a bed skirt but it kept shifting, so today I got the thought of using a fitted sheet instead. Why didn't I think of this before? It's perfect! I would show you a pic, but I feel a kinda way about putting pictures of my bedroom online. It's like showing my underwear. I don't know... Yeah; I'm weird.
I also tackled my "beauty corner" so I could get pretty in a pretty space. Just need some nice new mirrors and I'm good to go. Ok, I'll show you a pic of that :-)
I also tackled my earring display.
This is how it was before |
This is how it is now. The necklaces and shorter earrings are hung below this frame. Sooo much better! |
I rearranged the kitchen yesterday, moving the fridge twice and the stove once, and lifting our old dining table over the new one so I could set everything just the way I wanted it. I don't know where I found the energy, but I know I slept very well last night. :-)
Next is the bathroom. I can't decide between a beach theme or an Asian theme. Mind you, the place is full of shells and rocks that I've collected over the years, so guess what theme will win? Haha!
It's amazing to walk in the door and see things in their proper places - it's like my home is smiling at me, saying, "Come in!"
My house taught me a lesson recently. I had been saying for a long time that I wanted to put some chairs in the living room. Just a sofa and loveseat, nothing exraordinary. We have been living here for years with no living room furniture. Yeah...I know. Don't judge me. I let the kids use the space to play. So anyway I never cleared the space for said chairs. The place was a catch-all for all kinds of things - toys, bags, books, shoes, you name it. It wasn't until I started to make space for what I wanted that it came to me. And I wasn't making space specifically for the furniture. I just changed my mindset, and I started to de-clutter. And the minute I did that things started to flow. I would move one thing or get an idea of how I could use the space better here or there. I'd find new uses for items I previously overlooked. My husband would come home, look around and say, "okaaaayyyyy" (which is Hubbyspeak for "cool"). I realized that it isn't enough to say I want something, I have to make space for it in my life. I realize that the more clutter I remove from my life, the more I make use of the good things I have, and the more room I have for new and better things. This holds true for my house, my mind, my emotions and my spirit.
I'm applying this lesson to my life, de-cluttering my mind and taking stock of what can be put to good use in my life. There's no room for junk, no space for old dusty things that offer no value. I'm releasing negative memories, thoughts and emotions. And you know what? Cleaning house is making me so happy! It's like the very act of cleaning, scrubbing, and putting away is spiritually cleansing. I will keep this up. It feels too good to stop.
I'll share soon about my cleaning schedule and how it's changed my outlook on my life and how I relate to my family.
I'll share a simple tip that I learned recently. I shine my sink every night. After washing the dishes, I wipe the entire sink down so there are no visible water droplets. When I wake up in the morning my sink is the first thing I see, and it's gleaming! It's a great start to my day.
I say, if you want to change your life, change your space.
Make room for blessings...