Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Blocking The Blessing

Ok...so you want this....thing.  But is there room in your Life for it?  Is there room in your yard for a new car?  Is there room in your budget? Is there room in your Life for a new love, when you still have a 5-piece matching "baggage" set sitting on the floor of your heart from your last relationship?  Clean it up...get the negatives out, and let The Blessing flow.  Sometimes our desires delude us because there's no room for The Blessing.

We want so much, but often forget we need to do some work to get where we want to be.  We want it to be all roses.  Well, roses don't fall from the sky...they're cultivated.  They need water and sunlight and nutrients...that doesn't just "happen".  Someone has to do it.  And another thing...roses have thorns.  It ain't all fun and games.  If you want the pretty flowers, you may have to deal with some thorns, and you certainly need to get your hands dirty.  You need to get down in the dirt and plant the seeds.

We want to be satisfied at work, put in only half the effort and wonder why we aren't getting ahead.  We get lazy in our relationships and expect the same response from friends, family and loved ones.  Really?

I try to keep myself empty.  What I mean by that is that I really, really, really try not to harbor anger or resentment or fear or jealousy.  I try to leave the past in the past.  I said, I TRY...  It's not easy but Life has taught me that it's not worth it to let these feelings take root in me.  All they do is choke my Joy and stifle my growth.

We so often get in our own way.  We pray and doubt in the same breath.  We try something new and say, "Here goes nothing" and wonder why we actually get nothing from our efforts.  Please, don't speak defeat into your own life.  How are you going to be your own hater?  What's up with that?  We do it all the time.  And it's sad.

We need to stop blocking The Blessing.

1 comment:

  1. "Roses don't fall from the sky...they're cultivated" Hmn ever so often we really need to keep this in mind.
