Friday, 15 March 2013

Can't Do What I Should...Doing What I Shouldn't. SMH

Why is it that I feel I MUST pick at every little thing that pops up on my face?  And then, of course, I'm left with a scar.  I knew it would happen.  I knew I would cause more damage, but yet I can't seem to stop myself.  Sigh...

We do this in other areas of life, too.  We know we shouldn't eat that...or hang out with x person or y person.  We know we shouldn't try to get one over on someone, or keep the change when the cashier miscalculated and gave $10 extra change.  But we do it anyway.

There has to come a point when we think of the consequences, and that is a deterrent in itself.

Clearly, I'm not there yet.  At least where my face is concerned.

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