Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Look at you now! I Remember You When You Were...

How many times have you heard that from someone, when they see who you've become?  Never in a million years did they think this would be you, today.  And, let's be honest, you probably didn't think it either.  We all have amazing potential, regardless of what we've done or who we were in the past.It is the experience of the past that frames what the future will become.  I've heard it said that this "experience" is not what happens to you, but what you do with what happens to you.  I believe this.  Learn you.  Know you.  Own you.

It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking, "Maybe I am still that person. Maybe this is all a facade.  Maybe I'm really not better than I used to be.  Who am I fooling?" Negative nudges from naysayers do nothing for your personal growth.  It should not be acceptable for you to remain as you are.  Growth is essential - we all have to learn through experience, whether ours or someone else's.

Heighten your sense of self.  This phrase is so powerful to me.

 - Belonging to you, and you alone.  You are responsible for you.  No one can make you do anything.  Power over your life is yours.  You are responsible for you.  You are responsible for you.

- We all know about hearing, smelling, touching, seeing and tasting - these provide the data we base our perceptions on.  What are you exposing your senses to?  If you only hear, smell, touch, see and taste garbage, then what do you think your perception of Life will be?  Pretty trashy, huh?  Pay attention to what you allow yourself to sense.  Feed your senses with good things.  Nourish your self-perception. Do not allow your view of yourself to be re-colored or clouded.  Always stand in The Light when you look at yourself.  The Light is the Love and Truth of The Creator of the Universe and all that is in it.  The Light is The Truth that cannot be disputed.  God don't make no junk.

of Self - 
 - Wikipedia defines "self" as "an individual person as the object of his or her own reflective consciousness."  Who are you?  What are your values?  What are your needs?  What is and is not acceptable to you?  You have to define these things for yourself.  If you don't, they will be defined for you.  If you give up power over yourself, you let others decide who you are.  And those decisions are often detrimental.

When you become a better you, everyone isn't happy. Some people prefer you as you were - broken, confused, insecure. They may be threatened by your confidence and soaring self-esteem. But. Don't. You. EVER! let their responses turn you back into the person you were. Don't let anything or anyone diminish your SHINE!

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