Friday, 20 March 2015

Don't Get Bored with the Blessing

We read this verse in Bible Study last night:

"We remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost—also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!”  - Numbers 11: 5-6

Imagine that.  They have "lost their appetite" for something that comes directly from God - something He provided them with every day to sustain them.  They had no food.  God gave them food, and they got bored with it.  Often God blesses us with so much and yet we get bored with what He gives.  God never gives us seconds.  He gives of His best always and it's a slap in His face when we reject his blessing by complaining.  That boredom came from ungratefulness.  Had they been more appreciative, that manna would have tasted a lot better.

God doesn't give us what we want, He gives what we need.  They didn't need leeks and cucumbers.  They didn't need meat.  They needed manna.  We want God to give us variety and excitement when what we really need is to exercise faith and obedience.  And gratitude!

The Israelites had been saved from slavery, and God was making food (manna) available to them every day.  Food they didn't have to buy or season or cook or refrigerate, but they wanted what they had before.  They actually wanted what they had when they were enslaved.  Seriously - how is that better?  How can you miss the things of the Life God saved you from?

Would you rather be a slave eating delicious food or free and getting your daily food straight from heaven?  So what if it's the same thing every day! It's a matter of perspective: What do you value more? Getting the niceties of Life (at whatever cost) or staying close to God and getting the good things he has for you daily?

Make it a point in your daily Life to give thanks to God for His blessings.  Make it a point to identify those blessings.  Sometimes we want to say a general,  "Thank you, Lord" and leave it at that, but I bet if you took the time and counted your blessings (literally - I dare you to count them), you wouldn't complain as much or take them for granted.

Never get bored with God's blessing, because He never gets bored with blessing you.

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