Friday, 29 May 2015

Check Your Heart

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." - Proverbs 4:23

Have you ever done or said something that hurt someone and then wondered how you could have done it?  You think of yourself as a good person but your actions did not reflect the same.  You think, " That wasn't like me."  Or was it?

The truth is, we can only do and say what is in our hearts.  Proverbs 23:7 tells us that we are as we think in our hearts.  Our actions are the results of our thoughts, and it is in our thoughts that the battle for Life and death take place.

If "Life and death are in the power of the tongue" (Proverbs 18:21), we must  fiercely guard the hearts that influence what our tongues will speak.

Think of your physical heart.  Everything that enters your body affects it.  In the same way, everything that enters your spiritual "heart" affects it and will influence how it functions in a positive or negative way.  Your physical heart flows within your body, but because we are spiritual beings, or spiritual "heart" flows not only within us, but also to God and to those we come into contact with.  The spiritual circulatory system is much more complex than the physical, and much more delicate.  What you eat physically affects you physically, but what you eat spiritually affects everyone.

In the same way that a healthy physical heart needs certain nutrients in order to work properly, a healthy spiritual "heart" needs a steady diet of good spiritual food.  If you consistently eat an improper diet, you risk heart disease, stroke, and even death.  Diet alone can influence so much, both physically and spiritually. 

In the same way that a healthy physical heart needs to be exercised through vigorous activity, the spiritual "heart" needs to be exercised through constant prayer and meditation on spiritual things.  Keep your spiritual heart rate high!

If you want to not only survive, but thrive, check your heart.  How are you feeding your heart? Is it getting enough exercise?  Many of us are suffering from spiritual heart attacks - our spiritual hearts are failing and we are dying inside.  But God is a mighty healer, both physically and spiritually, and He can repair or replace a faulty heart.  All we have to do is check ourselves in to His Heavenly Hospital.  He also makes house calls, and all treatments have been prepaid.

Check your heart.  Your Life depends on it.

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