Sunday, 7 June 2015


I woke up this morning from a dream: I typed the word "god" and wanted to capitalize the "G".  So I deleted only the small "g" and replaced it with a capital "G".  I did this a few times, and every time the small "g" would reappear on the screen.  Frustrated, I deleted the whole word and re-typed it with a capital "G".  Finally, the word stayed as I typed it. 

In getting aligned with God we can't just change one thing, we have to change everything and start over.  So just as I was changing one letter of the word and it kept changing back, so too when we change one thing in our Lives we can keep changing back to our former selves.  We have to change everything.  We have to delete our old ways and start again with a new mindset and new habits. 

The awesome thing about starting over with God is that we get a full set of instructions on how to move forward with our new Life.  We can't lose!  Don't be afraid of the delete button. It doesn't matter if you've only written one word or many chapters in your Life Story, God will write something new, something better.

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"  -  2 Corinthians 5:17

Go ahead.  Click "delete".

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