Saturday, 11 July 2015

What's your PIN?

Imagine this:

You say you need some money, so I give you a debit card, but I walk away without giving you the PIN.  So now you have a card that is linked to a bank account with money in it, but no way to access that money.  That's no use to you, is it?

Each one of us has a spiritual "bank account".  Held in that account are our blessings, our potential, our success, our Life's mission, our very Purpose, and so much more! Each one of us holds a spiritual debit card that we can use to access that account, but few of us can make withdrawals, because few of us know our PIN.

So how do you find out what your PIN is?  Ask The One who opened the account in your name.  Your PIN is not a code of numbers, but a code of conduct - a code of  perspective, a code of belief, a code of speech.  Your thoughts, actions and behavior towards God and other people will determine whether or not you can access your spiritual account, and how much you can withdraw.  Your PIN is a relationship - the closer you are to God, the more you are able to access.

Sure, you can work hard.  Sure you can give 100% every day and be rewarded for it.  But no effort in your own strength can match what you can do when God provides the inspiration, the motivation and the power you need to succeed.

Stop wearing yourself out!  Your Creator will provide all you need, and it will seem so much easier when you allow Him to carry you through all you do - in work, in relationships, in school - it doesn't matter what your need is.  God has an account where you can withdraw good health, love, wealth, healing, favor, mercy, peace, wisdom, joy, blessing, compassion, protection, and much, much more! 

Don't let your account just sit there.  It's there for you to use.  And as you are blessed, bless God for His Blessing.  It's a win-win!

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