Friday, 27 December 2013

More to come...

"Don't waste time thinking about what you don't have. If you have Life and you have Faith, you have all you need. Place them at the altar. Let God meet you where you are and He will take you where you need to go."

I just posted this on my personal Facebook page.  It came to me after reading the Genesis account of Abraham and Sarah's conception of Isaac, and how God saved Lot and his family from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  

I have dreams.  I have a vision for my Life.  I have a list of places I would like to go.  And more than that, God has a plan for my Life.  And the reason I haven't gone there (yet) is nothing other than my lack of faith.  I can have the greatest idea in the world, but if I don't believe I can achieve it, it will never happen.  It. Will. NEVER. Happen.  Ever.

It is our thought process that drives what we do.  We do what we think we can.  Those who stayed up all night to put work in for whatever they wanted to achieve didn't tell themselves they couldn't do it.  They told themselves they had to!  So they did what they had to do.

I feel like there is so much wisdom in me, but I dare not speak because of the faint whisper that I have not arrived, and therefore have no authority to offer knowledge.  A lie from the pit of hell!  I've never been to Australia, but I am sure I can tell you how to get there.

So there will be more.  Much more.  I have a lot to say.  But not right now.

- Blessings...

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Going Through... Moving on... Having Hope

If you are going through a hard time, try your best not to complain. Acknowledge your pain or frustration, derermine how you can improve your situation and/or your mindset and get on with your life.

"Moving on" is not living in denial. Rather, it is taking ownership of what is to come. If we don't do that we risk letting what went wrong (or what we think was wrong) overshadow what did and can still go right. You cannot hold your future in hands that are filled with yesterday's pain.

Misery loves company, but please do not be tempted to call everyone you know and give them your sob story. As much as they love you, ain't nobody got time for that. If you truly need to let it out, cry, pray, meditate, journal, find someone you trust and empty yourself, but be cautious of using other people's minds and spirits as your personal toxic waste dump.

Be Light. Be Grace. Be Truth. Be Love. Know that you will attract what you cultivate. The Bible says of the topics of our thoughts that if there is virtue or praise we should think on these things. There's a reason for that.  Things of virtue and praise feed our faith. We feel powerful when we have hope.

Things will get better, if you let them get better.



Saturday, 26 October 2013

You've Changed

I don't get it when people tell others that success has changed them.  I think success should change a person.  Not in the sense that the essence of the person changes, but with success (I think) would come increased confidence, a sense of ownership of who you are, your accomplishments, and your potential to do even more.  I think that the real issue is that some people don't know how to celebrate others and accept "The Rise" ( I just made that up LOL).  I see "The Rise" is the the discovery of your destiny, and the ascent to your purpose.  Not everyone can handle that. Not everyone can handle the successful you.  The problem is often not that you've changed, but that they haven't.

Now that said, you may want to pull back a bit for fear of making others uncomfortable with your success.  You don't want to make anyone feel "less than".  But know that there is a difference between humility and downplaying your abilities and accomplishments. "Oh, it's nothing."  Nothing?  Really?  Long nights and hard work?  Nothing?  No...  You earned this.  OWN IT!

I'm amazing.  I'll tell anybody that.  I don't live in a mansion or make a hundred million dollars a year, but I OWN me and I KNOW me like no one else.  And "success" or no success, I will never apologize for being fabulous.  You shouldn't either.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

We Can All Teach... We Can All Learn...

Part of the reason we don't develop is that we are too closed-minded. So what if someone is a different religion/race/sexual orientation/social class? Every single person on this earth has something to offer humanity. I've learned so much from people I thought I had nothing in common with. We are one creation - like pixels in a picture - you need each little speck to see the beauty of the whole thing. Try to see everyone through a lens of love. The more we love, the more we learn. The more we learn, the more we love.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Look at you now! I Remember You When You Were...

How many times have you heard that from someone, when they see who you've become?  Never in a million years did they think this would be you, today.  And, let's be honest, you probably didn't think it either.  We all have amazing potential, regardless of what we've done or who we were in the past.It is the experience of the past that frames what the future will become.  I've heard it said that this "experience" is not what happens to you, but what you do with what happens to you.  I believe this.  Learn you.  Know you.  Own you.

It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking, "Maybe I am still that person. Maybe this is all a facade.  Maybe I'm really not better than I used to be.  Who am I fooling?" Negative nudges from naysayers do nothing for your personal growth.  It should not be acceptable for you to remain as you are.  Growth is essential - we all have to learn through experience, whether ours or someone else's.

Heighten your sense of self.  This phrase is so powerful to me.

 - Belonging to you, and you alone.  You are responsible for you.  No one can make you do anything.  Power over your life is yours.  You are responsible for you.  You are responsible for you.

- We all know about hearing, smelling, touching, seeing and tasting - these provide the data we base our perceptions on.  What are you exposing your senses to?  If you only hear, smell, touch, see and taste garbage, then what do you think your perception of Life will be?  Pretty trashy, huh?  Pay attention to what you allow yourself to sense.  Feed your senses with good things.  Nourish your self-perception. Do not allow your view of yourself to be re-colored or clouded.  Always stand in The Light when you look at yourself.  The Light is the Love and Truth of The Creator of the Universe and all that is in it.  The Light is The Truth that cannot be disputed.  God don't make no junk.

of Self - 
 - Wikipedia defines "self" as "an individual person as the object of his or her own reflective consciousness."  Who are you?  What are your values?  What are your needs?  What is and is not acceptable to you?  You have to define these things for yourself.  If you don't, they will be defined for you.  If you give up power over yourself, you let others decide who you are.  And those decisions are often detrimental.

When you become a better you, everyone isn't happy. Some people prefer you as you were - broken, confused, insecure. They may be threatened by your confidence and soaring self-esteem. But. Don't. You. EVER! let their responses turn you back into the person you were. Don't let anything or anyone diminish your SHINE!

Saturday, 14 September 2013

A Little Lower

I've been in a bit of a fog all week, waking up too late to pray and meditate as I would like to, and walking around in a funk.  It's so important for me to have time in the morning to center myself and connect with my Creator.  It sets the tone for my day.  The five-minute prayer thing wasn't cutting it.

I finally got around to reading my Bible this morning.  The verses that follow really spoke to my heart, about who I am in God and the power that gives me.  We give Life's circumstances and the people around us wayyyyy too much power.  Our real power lies in our Divine connection and if/how we choose to use it.

Hebrews 2: 6b,7,8 (New Living Translation):

“What are mere mortals that you should think about them,
    or a son of man that you should care for him?
Yet you made them only a little lower than the angels
    and crowned them with glory and honor.
You gave them authority over all things.”

Did you hear that last part?  It says, "You gave them authority over all things".  Life is not out of our control.  We have God-given authority over ALL THINGS!  And we've been made a little lower than the angels. Just a little.  So act like it.

We are so BLESSED!  We need to walk in the Light of that Blessing.

Thought for today:
I have God-given authority over all things.  I am the amazing creation of an amazing God, and I'm going to have an amazing day!

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Rainy Day Updo

It's raining and I needed to put this hair up!

So here's what I came up with.  Check my YouTube channel for a step-by-step tutorial.

Any style that's high in the front scores points with me.

I adoooore the profile of this style!  I will definitely repeat for a night out.

Here's a view of the top

The back is neat and all tucked in, with one ponytail holder and one bobby pin.

Two thumbs up!  Digging this style.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Make Space for Your Blessing

I've been nesting.  No, I'm not pregnant.  But in the last few weeks I've been compelled to "get it together".  And by "it" I mean my home.  It hasn't been what I wanted it to be.  I never really settled in. I never decorated.  I didn't hang pictures.  I just lived there.  It was purely functional.  But that wasn't working for me.  I wasn't feeling happy in my space.  I tried tapping into my creative side, thinking that is what I was missing, but I was so uninspired!  It wasn't until last week that it really clicked.  There is something on the horizon for me, but I need to be in a place to receive it.  I need to be settled and happy in my own space.  It's coming together, but it's taking some sweat.  I tackle the household alone; that's my thing.  Hubby offers help when he feels I need it but I honestly end up doing things myself anyway.  I'm like that.  He knows that.  So it's cool.

Today I flipped our king sized bed, propped up the entire thing (including the box springs), swept, mopped and put it all back just the way I wanted it.  We don't have a bed frame - the bed is so high, we never bothered to get one - and I hated the look of the bare box spring.  I tried a bed skirt but it kept shifting, so today I got the thought of using a fitted sheet instead.  Why didn't I think of this before? It's perfect!  I would show you a pic, but I feel a kinda way about putting pictures of my bedroom online. It's like showing my underwear.  I don't know... Yeah; I'm weird.

I also tackled my "beauty corner" so I could get pretty in a pretty space.  Just need some nice new mirrors and I'm good to go.  Ok, I'll show you a pic of that :-)

I also tackled my earring display.

This is how it was before

This is how it is now.  The necklaces and shorter earrings are hung below this frame.  Sooo much better!

I rearranged the kitchen yesterday, moving the fridge twice and the stove once, and lifting our old dining table over the new one so I could set everything just the way I wanted it.  I don't know where I found the energy, but I know I slept very well last night.  :-)

Next is the bathroom.  I can't decide between a beach theme or an Asian theme.  Mind you, the place is full of shells and rocks that I've collected over the years, so guess what theme will win?  Haha!

It's amazing to walk in the door and see things in their proper places - it's like my home is smiling at me, saying, "Come in!"

My house taught me a lesson recently.  I had been saying for a long time that I wanted to put some chairs in the living room.  Just a sofa and loveseat, nothing exraordinary.  We have been living here for years with no living room furniture.  Yeah...I know. Don't judge me.  I let the kids use the space to play.  So anyway I never cleared the space for said chairs.  The place was a catch-all for all kinds of things - toys, bags, books, shoes, you name it.  It wasn't until I started to make space for what I wanted that it came to me.  And I wasn't making space specifically for the furniture.  I just changed my mindset, and I started to de-clutter.  And the minute I did that things started to flow.  I would move one thing or get an idea of how I could use the space better here or there.  I'd find new uses for items I previously overlooked.  My husband would come home, look around and say, "okaaaayyyyy" (which is Hubbyspeak for "cool").  I realized that it isn't enough to say I want something, I have to make space for it in my life.  I realize that the more clutter I remove from my life, the more I make use of the good things I have, and the more room I have for new and better things.  This holds true for my house, my mind, my emotions and my spirit.

I'm applying this lesson to my life, de-cluttering my mind and taking stock of what can be put to good use in my life.  There's no room for junk, no space for old dusty things that offer no value.  I'm releasing negative memories, thoughts and emotions.  And you know what?  Cleaning house is making me so happy!  It's like the very act of cleaning, scrubbing, and putting away is spiritually cleansing.  I will keep this up.  It feels too good to stop.

I'll share soon about my cleaning schedule and how it's changed my outlook on my life and how I relate to my family.

I'll share a simple tip that I learned recently. I shine my sink every night.  After washing the dishes, I wipe the entire sink down so there are no visible water droplets.  When I wake up in the morning my sink is the first thing I see, and it's gleaming!  It's a great start to my day.

I say, if you want to change your life, change your space.

Make room for blessings...

Monday, 8 April 2013

People Complain Too Much!

Listen... The only someone who can keep you down is you. Stop blaming other people for your miserable life. You made some choices. Your life as it is today is the consequence of those choices. So shut up. Suck it up. Face where you are. Face it head on. Change what you can. Find ways to deal with what you can't. Move on with your life and deliberately choose every single day to be happy. And don't just say you are happy. Find it, feel it, and live it! Stop the crying and moaning. Enough already. I'm not indifferent. I'm not being harsh. I just want to tell the truth. And sometimes the truth isn't pretty. Sorry. I've been there...done the T-Shirt. And guess what? When I was tired of moping and moaning I ripped it up and used it as a rag to clean up my mess. I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I sure don't let anybody steal my joy. You shouldn't either.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Can't Do What I Should...Doing What I Shouldn't. SMH

Why is it that I feel I MUST pick at every little thing that pops up on my face?  And then, of course, I'm left with a scar.  I knew it would happen.  I knew I would cause more damage, but yet I can't seem to stop myself.  Sigh...

We do this in other areas of life, too.  We know we shouldn't eat that...or hang out with x person or y person.  We know we shouldn't try to get one over on someone, or keep the change when the cashier miscalculated and gave $10 extra change.  But we do it anyway.

There has to come a point when we think of the consequences, and that is a deterrent in itself.

Clearly, I'm not there yet.  At least where my face is concerned.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

God and Centipides

I killed a centipede in my daughters' room tonight.  I was coming from the shower and noticed something on the floor.  I looked away, and looked back and the "something" was about one tile over from where it was previously.  I grabbed a shoe, and the rest is history.  Bye, bye, centipede.

What's my point?  God looks out for us.  He opens our eyes so we can see danger that we wouldn't see had it not been for us being tapped in to His vision.  I don't think of incidents like this as "lucky".  There is Divine intervention in so many of our daily circumstances, but we often don't see or don't take the time to acknowledge God's Hand in our lives.  I believe I was put in that spot to see that little insect and stop it before it crawled up into the bed and... (let's not even think about that).

I had to stop and say thank you.  I only pray for the vision to see potential dangers in more subtle things, like the negative influence of a well-meaning but badly-advised friend, or the wisdom to choose right when the pros and cons seem to all be in the gray area.

There is no "luck", only Favor.  And Favor comes from God.

Monday, 18 February 2013

My 100% Natural Kitchen Counter Skin Care Regimen

Hi Friend!

A lot of over-the-counter products promise results in 2-4 weeks, so I’ve embarked on a quest to find equally effective and readily available natural products to incorporate into my skin care regimen. I tested my skin’s response to my new regimen for 6 weeks, to give my skin time to adjust to the change, and to have a long time frame to document changes.  My skin has always been a bit sensitive, but as time has gone on, it requires more and more TLC.  I will still use some store-bought products that I have on hand from time to time, but my skin care will mostly consist of natural ingredients.  I did not purchase new products during the testing period.

Here are the natural products I’m using:

Ground Oatmeal:  Made from old fashioned Quaker Oats.  I put a few tablespoons in the blender or food processor and grind it into smaller pieces.  It’s less messy to use. I wet about ½ a teaspoon in my hand and stir it until the water is “milky”.  I then apply it to my wet face and work it in. Sometimes I leave it on to dry and then wash it off once it hardens.  Benefits of oatmeal: Anti-inflamatory, treats skin irritation, helps to remove dead skin cells, contains saponins (cleansing agents).

Cucumber juice: Used as a toner after each wash.  I grate ½ a small cucumber finely (including the peel), and strain the juice.  I store the juice in a small bottle in the refrigerator. I keep it for a week before making a new batch.  Cucumber (grated): I keep the gratings of the cucumber in the refrigerator as well, and use this when my skin feels like it needs some extra cooling.  It’s nice on very hot mornings and tightens my pores and makes my skin feel plump and firm.  Or i just eat it.  Haha Benefits of cucumber: Anti-inflamatory, hydrating, Vitamin E, ascorbic acid, strengthens connective tissue due to silica content, can help even skin tone.

Whole Milk: I mix this with the grated cucumber and use it as an occasional morning facial cleanser.  Benefits of milk: Contains lactic acid (mild exfoliant).

Cornmeal: Used as a scrub a few times a week to slough off old skin.  Cornmeal turns out to be an excellent exfoliant on my skin!  It doesn’t irritate at all, and effectively gets rid of accumulated dead skin, making my face much smoother. 
Benefits of cornmeal: Gentle exfoliant. 

Jamaican Black Castor Oil: I use this as a treatment for my brows and lashes (when I remember; I’m really not consistent with this part).  Benefits of castor oil: Softens brows and lashes and encourages hair growth.  I find it good for treating my lash line if my eyes have been irritated by eyeliner or lash glue.

Grapeseed or Olive Oil: Used as an eye treatment on lids and under eyes (I’m not consistent with this either).  Benefits of grapeseed and olive oils: These oils help to keep the eye area supple and lock in moisture around my eyes.

Unrefined Shea Butter: I’ve used this in the past to help prevent sunburn on my skin, and it also keeps it from drying out in the heat.  I use this mostly if I am going to the beach (from face to feet) or will be out in the sun for prolonged periods.

African Black Soap: Makeup remover.  This product is claimed to have amazing spot-removing and skin-smoothing powers.  I find it to be too drying for everyday use, so I use it as a makeup remover or if my skin feels extra oily.

MB = Mario Badescu
CM = Cher-Mère

Skin Care Experiment – Week 1

Day 1: January 8, 2013
-          Cleansed face with oatmeal
-          Applied one drop of castor oil after cleansing on dry face

-          Cleansed face with oatmeal

Notes: face felt dry, skin appeared to be peeling (may be due to sunburn), skin appears to have a “crust”.

Day 2: January 9, 2013
Morning (deeper cleanse and scrub)
-          Cleansed face with Mario Badescu (MB) Enzyme Cleansing Gel
-          Scrubbed with Himalaya Herbals Walnut Scrub
-          Applied warm oatmeal (whole rolled oats) as a mask and let dry, rinsed off.
-          Applied cucumber water

-          Cleansed face with ground oatmeal and left on until dry, then rinsed off.
-          Applied cucumber water
-          Applied one drop of Entwine argan oil blend
-          Applied castor oil to lashes and brows
-          Applied shea butter around eyes

Notes: Face felt much smoother after scrub.  Some scabs came off.  Skin appears smoother.  No immediate reaction to argan oil blend, but after an hour my face began to feel oily.

Day 3: January 10, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber juice
Applied MB SPF moisturizer

Washed with MB Glycolic Wash
Applied cucumber water
Applied drying lotion to pimples

Notes: I swear the marks on my face are fading!  Did some online research and apparently cucumbers help fade marks.  Hmmmmm…

Day 4: January 11, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber juice
Applied MB SPF moisturizer

Washed with Himalaya Herbals Neem Face Wash
Applied cucumber water

Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water
Applied MB drying lotion to blemishes

Notes: I swear the marks on my face are fading!  Did some online research and apparently cucumbers help fade marks.  Hmmmmm…

Day 5: January 12, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water
Applied MB SPF moisturizer

Washed with MB foaming glycolic wash
Exfoliated with Olay Microdermabrasion Scrub and Peel
Applied cucumber water
Applied MB drying lotion to blemishes

Notes: Skin seems to be smoother and marks are fading!  There is no longer the “crust” on my skin and the tight feeling is gone.  Still need to find day and night moisturizers.  The cucumber water helps, but it’s not enough.

Day 6: January 13, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water
Applied MB SPF moisturizer
Bare Minerals Foundation

Washed face with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water
Did not apply moisturizer before applying makeup

Washed off Black Opal Makeup with MB Enzyme Cleansing Gel two times, using Clarisonic the second time.

Notes: Makeup went on nicely with just the cucumber water applied.

Day 7: January 14, 2013 (Made a new batch of cucumber water by finely grating cucumber and straining into small toner bottle.  Refrigerated cucumber water and grated cucumber. New batch of cucumber water is green.  Old batch was clear.)

Rinsed with Water
Applied cucumber water (from old batch)
Applied MB SPF moisturizer just before going out in the early afternoon.

Washed with Himalaya Herbals Neem Face Wash, using Clarisonic
Applied cucumber water (from old batch)

Forgot to wash my face before bed. Oops!

Notes: No new breakouts.  I sometimes break out a day or two after wearing makeup, but so far, so good!

Skin Care Experiment – Week 2 – New batch of green cucumber water)

Day 8: January 15, 2013
Washed with grated cucumber and Nestle full cream milk (green carton)
Applied cucumber water

Applied cornmeal scrub
Applied cucumber water

Washed with oatmeal
Applied castor oil to eyelashes and eyebrows (lash line was itchy)
Applied cucumber water (some castor oil was still on my hands)

Notes: The cornmeal scrub is amazing!  My skin feels very smooth and is not at all irritated.  I didn’t have a stripped, thin-skin feeling I get with the Olay Microdermabrasion product I normally use for a deep-down scrub.  I like the new cucumber water better.  I will make it using the peel from now on.  My skin feels a lot tighter (firmer).  I’m not sure if it’s the “green-ness” of the new batch or the cumulative effect of the cucumber on my skin.

Day 9: January 16, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Afternoon (after workout)
Washed with oatmeal (left on until dry, then rinsed)
Applied cucumber water

Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Day 10: January 17, 2013
Very Early Morning
Applied MB drying cream (I picked at some little bumps. L Rinsed with water later in the morning.

Afternoon (after workout)
Washed with oatmeal (left on until dry, then rinsed)
Applied cucumber water

Forgot to wash my face before bed.

Day 11: January 18, 2013 (Made a new batch of oatmeal.  Left it to grind much longer, to make a finer powder that would be even less messy to use.)
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water
Applied MB SFP moisturizer

Afternoon (after workout)
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Washed with fine oatmeal
Applied cornmeal scrub
Applied cucumber water

Notes: Had a few small breakouts and they are healing well.  Scarring from older breakouts is fading as well.  I picked at some of my little pimples.  Hope they don’t scar.

Day 12: January 19, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Day 13: January 20, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water
(wore makeup to church)

Washed with black soap (2 times, with Clarisonic the 2nd time)
Applied cucumber water

Washed with black soap (2 times, with Clarisonic the 2nd time)
Applied cucumber water

Notes: Black soap is very drying, but I will continue to use it as a makeup remover, since I don’t wear makeup very often.

Day 14: January 21, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Forgot to wash my face

Skin Care Experiment – Week 3

Day 15: January 22, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Late morning (post-workout)
Washed with oatmeal
Scrubbed with cornmeal, without rinsing oatmeal off first.
Applied cucumber water

Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Notes: I had a few whiteheads when I woke up.

Day 16: January 23, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Day 17: January 24, 2013
Morning (post-workout)
Washed with oatmeal
Scrubbed with cornmeal
Applied cucumber water

Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Notes: Getting some little pimples on the right side of my face.

Day 18: January 25, 2013
Did not wash my face in the morning
Went to the beach

Evening (after taking mini twists down and oiling my scalp and hair)
Washed with oatmeal, followed my MB enzyme cleansing gel
Applied cucumber water
Applied MB drying cream on forehead, temples and cheeks

Notes: Pimples dried up overnight.  Yay!

Day 19: January 26, 2013
Rinsed with water

Washed with Himalaya Herbals Neem Face Wash

Fell asleep with makeup on.  I know, I know…

Day 20: January 27, 2013
Washed twice with black soap (2nd time with Clarisonic)
Applied cucumber water
Applied Cher-Mere Anti-Aging Night moisturizer

Washed with oatmeal and allowed to dry as a mask before rinsing off
Applied cucumber water
Applied CM night moisturizer

Notes: Some small bumps are on my forehead and cheeks

Day 21: January 28, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water
Applied CM night moisturizer

Evening (post-workout)
Washed with oatmeal
Scrubbed with cornmeal (applied without rinsing oatmeal off first)
Applied Cher-Mere Aloe and Oatmeal Mask
Applied cucumber water
Applied CM Anti-Aging Night Moisturizer


Skin Care Experiment – Week 4

Day 22: January 29, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Day 23: January 30, 2013
Rinsed with water

Evening (post-workout)
Washed with black soap and Clarisonic
Scrubbed with cornmeal, oatmeal and milk
Applied CM aloe and oatmeal mask
Applied cucumber water
Applied CM anti-aging night moisturizer
Applied MB Drying Cream to pimples on forehead, temples and cheeks (which I picked at)

Notes: Skin on cheeks is less congested with very few clogged pores, but I notice more clogged pores on forehead.  Pimples are much smaller and short-lived.  Need to find a way to resist the urge to pick at my face.

Day 24: January 31, 2013
Rinsed with water in early morning
Washed with oatmeal later in the morning (allowed to dry, then rinsed)
Applied cucumber water

Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water
Did not apply moisturizer as I was going out.  Used Black Opal Oil Blocking Mattifier as a primer under my makeup.

Late night
Removed eye makeup and lipstick with grapeseed oil
Washed with black soap (2 times – 2nd time with Clarisonic)
Applied thin layer of aloe and oatmeal mask and rubbed in for a minute before rinsing off
Applied cucumber water
Applied CM anti-aging night moisturizer

Notes:  Picked at the pimples again this morning L

Day 25: February 1, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Scrubbed with cornmeal, oatmeal and milk paste
Applied cucumber water
Applied CM anti-aging night moisturizer

Washed with oatmeal
Applied CM aloe and oatmeal mask
Applied cucumber water
Applied CM anti-aging night moisturizer

Day 26: February 2, 2013
Washed face with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Washed face with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Notes: I have some small clogged pores

Day 27: February 3, 2013
Washed face with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Washed face twice with black soap
Applied cucumber water

Late night
Washed face twice with black soap (2nd time with Clarisonic)
Applied cucumber water

Notes: I picked my face!!!  Ugghhhhhh!  I hope this doesn’t scar.

Day 28: February 4, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Washed with oatmeal
Rinsed and scrubbed with cornmeal, oatmeal and milk
Applied CM aloe and oatmeal mask and let it dry
Rinsed and applied cucumber water

Notes: I’m really enjoying the feel and scent of the wash with the milk added.

Skin Care Experiment – Week 5

Day 29: February 5, 2013
Washed with oatmeal and milk
Applied cucumber water

Washed with oatmeal and milk
Applied cucumber water

Notes: The areas where I picked my face are healing very well!  Small scabs are forming.  The one on my forehead is flat and I think it may heal without getting too dark.  There is dead skin peeling off the one on my chin already.  I’m not sure if it’s the oatmeal or the cucumber but my skin is healing very quickly with this regimen.  Yay!

Day 30: February 6, 2013
Rinsed face with water
Applied Coppertone SPF 50 (I was going out for a run)

Late morning
Washed with oatmeal and milk
Applied cucumber water

Washed with oatmeal and milk
Scrubbed with cornmeal, oatmeal and milk
Applied CM aloe and oatmeal mask

Notes: Skin looks more even, but this may be due to the tan I got from running in the sun earlier in the day.  No new pimples or clogged pores.  I have some very tiny bumps but I will be a good girl and leave them alone.

Day 31: February 7, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Washed with oatmeal and let dry
Rinsed and scrubbed with cornmeal, oatmeal and milk
Applied cucumber water

Notes: My skin keeps healing well.  I noticed a few more tiny bumps so I did another scrub.  I haven’t been drinking enough water the last few days.  That may have something to do with it.

Day 32: February 8, 2013
Rinsed with water
Applied Coppertone SPF 50 (was going for a run)

Late Morning
Washed with oatmeal and milk and let dry
Rinsed and applied CM aloe and oatmeal mask to pimples only
Applied cucumber water

I picked the pimple again.  It’s already getting dark.  Sigh.
Applied MB drying lotion to pimple on my jawline as well as other small pimples.

Washed with oatmeal and milk
Scrubbed with cornmeal, oatmeal and milk
Applied CM aloe and oatmeal mask
Applied cucumber water

Notes: I picked at a pimple!  Ughhhhh!!!  It felt like a cystic pimple and I wanted to get the clog out of the middle.  It’s slightly painful. I know better.  SMH

Day 33: February 9, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Day 34: February 10, 2013
Washed twice with black soap (2nd time with clarisonic)
Applied cucumber water

Washed face with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Day 35: February 11, 2013  (Carnival Monday)
Washed face with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Washed 3 times with black soap (3rd time with Clarisonic)
Scrubbed with cornmeal, oatmeal and milk
Applied CM aloe and oatmeal mask
Applied cucumber water

Note: had a cystic pimple/large clogged pore on my chin that I had to squeeze.  I think everything came out; it immediately went down.

Skin Care Experiment – Week 6

Day 36: February 12, 2013 (Carnival Tuesday)
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Washed twice with black soap
Scrubbed with cornmeal and oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Notes: Pimple on my chin was slightly painful in the morning  and still raised.  I left it alone. It went down by itself.

Day 37: February 13, 2013
Didn’t wash my face (was sick)

Didn’t wash my face (was sick)

Day 38: February 14, 2013
Early Morning
Washed with oatmeal
Scrubbed with cornmeal, oatmeal and milk
Applied CM aloe and oatmeal mask
Applied cucumber water

Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Day 39: February 15, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Day 40: February 16, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Scrubbed with cornmeal, oatmeal and milk
Applied CM aloe and oatmeal mask
Applied cucumber water

Fell asleep with my makeup on.  I knowwww….

Day 41: February 17, 2013
Washed twice with black soap (2nd time with Clarisonic)
Applied cucumber water

Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

Day 42: February 18, 2013
Washed with oatmeal
Applied cucumber water

My skin has come a LONG way since October!  Yay!!!