Tuesday 4 October 2016

Black Lives Matter



What is Life?

Is it just the condition of being alive?

Is it just the circumstance of not getting shot?

Black lives matter but every day we pass our neighbors by, knowing they need help or a word of encouragement or a listening ear and we do nothing. 

Black lives matter but we stay caught up on the latest scandalous drama only to bring that scandal into our own relationships. 

Black lives matter but we don't know half our history nor do we have any direction for our future. 

Black lives matter but we are still blaming dead white folks for our lack of vision and purpose. 

Black lives matter but we're mad at people for killing us when we act like we don't value our own lives. 

Black lives matter and we get mad but what will we do with our anger? Where will we direct it?

If black lives matter so much, then black people need to start LIVING like they matter! 

It's not just about the cops and their guns. 

It's not just about centuries of hate and oppression. 

It's not just about lies told to us throughout history. 

Our spirits are broken. 

Life is not in the body but in the spirit. 

The truth is that too many of us don't have a Life that matters or don't feel our Lives matter.  What vibes are you sending out into the world?  Bad vibes are like a beacon for chaos.  I'm not saying we deserve this and we brought his on ourselves but we must take some measure of responsibility for a system we, in some way, allowed to thrive. For too long we didn't stand up. For too long we played along and blamed "the man" when we had the power to do better.  Little by little, year by year, century by century, we let that power slip through our fingers. For too long we were guided by fear of man and not fear of God. Fear of God is a reverent fear that recognizes God's power, causes us to submit to it and thus empowers us to do more and greater things. Fear of man cripples. Anger disables. Fear of God empowers and enables. 

I won't fight. I won't march. And it's not because I don't care. It's because the fight isn't in the street. It isn't in protests. It isn't in press conferences. It isn't in banter. The fight is in our homes and neighborhoods. The tactics were so subtle...  Break up the family. Send the men away, or better yet, kill them. Show how they are not dependable. Oversexualize the woman. Make them believe sex is her only power. Don't teach the children. Starve them mentally, physically, socially and spiritually. We needed to fight! But little by little we gave up and we gave in. 

If black lives matter, they have to matter first to us. We have to live like they matter to us. Stop supporting the foolishness and start building ourselves up. This didn't happen overnight and it won't be fixed overnight. But change can come if we want it. 

So do we want change or do we just want something to vent about in Facebook comments? 

One of my favorite new quotes is this...

"If you want to change the world, go home and love your family."

Because black lives matter. 

Sunday 6 September 2015

Diamonds, Pearls and Butterflies

Our guest preacher at church this morning talked about diamonds, pearls and butterflies.  Each one didn't start off as much, but through a process each developed into something beautiful.

When a diamond is discovered in nature it isn't that pretty. Even after all the heat and pressure it takes to form a diamond it still has to be cut and faceted to bring out its true beauty. It's a PROCESS.

A pearl is formed when something irritating enters the clam's shell.  It deposits a substance to help ease the irritation, thus forming a pearl.  It's a PROCESS.

A butterfly starts out as a fat, squirmy catterpillar that has to wrap itself up and shut itself away while it transforms.  Before the cocoon stage it eats as much as it can, because the transformation takes a while.  It's a PROCESS.

Change rarely happens overnight.  We often want God to change our situation, not realizing He wants to use our situation to change our spirits.  Diamonds aren't destroyed because of heat and pressure, they are strong because of it.  Pearls glow because of layers of nacre laid down over time, beautiful butterfly wings emerge from a crusty cocoon.  It's a PROCESS.

Trust the process.  You can't have what you want overnight.  And that's okay.  Let God use the process to strengthen you.  Beauty comes out of the struggle. Promise... 

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Writing My Way to Clearer Thinking

Years ago, when I was very uncertain about where my Life was heading, I used to write in a journal.  Day after day, I would pour my feelings out on its pages and very slowly, but very surely, I began to have greater clarity in my mind and peace in my heart.  There's something about putting thoughts on paper that makes things very clear to me.

A few months ago I found those journals and in reading a few of the pages I saw how far I have come.  I went from a state of utter confusion to a state of complete confidence.  What I realized was that I was most confused when I was led by my own confused mind (but yet I blamed others for confusing me).  It's like I was driving without a map, going nowhere fast.  The Bible encourages us to renew our minds and focus on God, to cast our cares on Him and not worry.  It was by surrendering my worries and fears to God that I increased my confidence and decreased my confusion.  There is a lot I still don't understand, but that doesn't decrease my faith.

I started writing again a few days ago, but the tone has changed.  I question less where my Life is going and affirm more of what I know God has purposed for me.  This process took y-e-a-r-s!  I didn't just wake up one morning and have it all figured out.  I still don't have it all figured out.  What I realized is that I don't have to.  Many of the battles I had been fighting (and losing) weren't mine to fight in the first place. I stopped operating in my own strength and I learned to lean on God, let Him lead me and let Him fight on my behalf.  It's an awesome feeling to know that the One defending me is One who cannot lose!

It may sound silly but I encourage you to take some time and write.  Write your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams and goals.  Get things on paper and see them clearly.  Sometimes there's just too much going on in our heads and it's a helpful release to write it down. It's hard to "read" yourself when you are in the middle of a difficult time, but writing your thoughts down can bring clarity and peace, and direction.

Remember that you have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. If you want your Life right, get your mind right.  If you want your mind right, Get your thoughts right.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

I Can Do All Things

What would you do if you believed nothing could stop you?

I'll give you a minute to think about it...

Listen; the only thing you can't do is the thing you believe you can't do.  Nothing can stop you from achieveing a goal.  Nothing except you, that is.  It isn't the obstacle that stops you, it's what you do with it.  Do you stare at it? Do you give up and walk the other way?  Or do you find a way to get on the other side of it?  Climb it. Walk around it. Fly over it.  But don't let it stop you in your tracks.  What's the point of being on a path and not getting to your destination?

Most of the excuses we make are just that - excuses.

Do it.  You can.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."


Monday 3 August 2015

Guard Your House!

Yesterday's sermon text was Mark 3:27 (Contemporary English Version).  I had to share what I got from this message:

"How can anyone break into the house of a strong man and steal his things, unless he first ties up the strong man?  Then he can take everything."

How often have you let yourself get tied up by the opinions of others about you?  How often have you been tied up by limiting your potential because you were too scared to do something new?  How often have you been tied up because you didn't have the faith to ask God for direction and guidance and you tried to do things in your own strength, only to end up more entangled in the mess you created?

We do it all the time.  We rob ourselves and allow ourselves to be robbed.  This is a strong man's house we are talking about.  There's a reason we have to be tied up for things to be stolen from us.  If we weren't tied up we would defend what is rightfully ours.  It's because we are strong that we would have to be tied up.  Had it been a weak man's house the robber could just walk in and take what he wanted because he wouldn't see the weak man as a threat.

People can only steal from us if they break in, we let them in or we let our guard down.

We need to recognize our strength and we need to  have a defensive mindset.  The devil is roaming around like a raging lion, seeking whom he may devour.  He wants to bind you and keep you down so he can rob you of every good thing God has given you and of what He has in store.  But in the same way that he wants to tie you up, understand that through Christ you have the strength to do all things - including tying up the robbers in your life!  That includes the devil himself and anything or anyone he uses to keep you bound.

The lyrics of one of my favorite songs says that "there is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain."  If you feel like you're tied up in chains, the key to your release is your faith and your willingness to call on One who can deliver you. You don't have to sit there, struggling to break free, watching all you have be taken from you and feeling powerless to stop it.

What God has set apart for you is for you.  Don't let anyone take that away.  There is a Purpose for your Life and your Gifts are tied to that Purpose. Guard your house!

Saturday 11 July 2015

What's your PIN?

Imagine this:

You say you need some money, so I give you a debit card, but I walk away without giving you the PIN.  So now you have a card that is linked to a bank account with money in it, but no way to access that money.  That's no use to you, is it?

Each one of us has a spiritual "bank account".  Held in that account are our blessings, our potential, our success, our Life's mission, our very Purpose, and so much more! Each one of us holds a spiritual debit card that we can use to access that account, but few of us can make withdrawals, because few of us know our PIN.

So how do you find out what your PIN is?  Ask The One who opened the account in your name.  Your PIN is not a code of numbers, but a code of conduct - a code of  perspective, a code of belief, a code of speech.  Your thoughts, actions and behavior towards God and other people will determine whether or not you can access your spiritual account, and how much you can withdraw.  Your PIN is a relationship - the closer you are to God, the more you are able to access.

Sure, you can work hard.  Sure you can give 100% every day and be rewarded for it.  But no effort in your own strength can match what you can do when God provides the inspiration, the motivation and the power you need to succeed.

Stop wearing yourself out!  Your Creator will provide all you need, and it will seem so much easier when you allow Him to carry you through all you do - in work, in relationships, in school - it doesn't matter what your need is.  God has an account where you can withdraw good health, love, wealth, healing, favor, mercy, peace, wisdom, joy, blessing, compassion, protection, and much, much more! 

Don't let your account just sit there.  It's there for you to use.  And as you are blessed, bless God for His Blessing.  It's a win-win!

Friday 3 July 2015

The Plantings of The Lord

I recently bought a few plants for my home.  I asked a lot of questions, but specifically about plant size.  How big would it get?  Would I need to change the pot after a while?  Will it take over my house?  The lady informed me that some plants can grow quite large, but if you keep it in a small pot you can stunt its growth and keep it small.

In Bible Study last night the leader said we are "the plantings of God".  But where are we planted?  Because of free will we make our own choices.  God has placed a seed of potential within us but we have to be careful about the size of the pot we choose to grow in.  If a plant could choose its own pot I doubt it would choose a small one.  You don't ever have to tell a plant not to grow.  It won't grow is if its growth is restricted by lack of space to spread its roots and find more nourishment, or it's deprived of the light of the sun.  So, we too need to be deeply and widely rooted in our faith and ensure we get enough Light from the Son.

Not all plants are the same.  Some need lots of water, some thrive in shade, some in direct sunlight, some are sensitive to touch, some have thorns, some bear fruit, and some have poison. We're the same - some of us need constant encouragement, some like to be alone, some like to be in the spotlight, some are very sensitive, some lash out when people get too close, some are givers and some poison all they come in contact with.

Which type are you, and where are you planted today?  Do you have room to spread your roots and grow?  Are you firmly planted?  Like fertilizer, the Word of God causes growth - but not always the type of growth you can immediately see.  We have to grow inwardly before it's seen on the outside.  We have to grow in our thought processes, habits and even our desires.  Then the way we behave shows what is really inside us.  We cannot do what we have never thought of.  Action always comes after thought.  Be careful of the seeds you allow to be planted in your mind, your heart and your spirit.  Some seeds are lovely and bloom into beauty and some are like weeds, choking the good things that are trying to grow in our Lives.  Weed regularly, fertilize often, and give yourself room to spread your roots.

The roots of young plants can become entangled as they grow and spread out, so it's often recommended to plant seeds a certain distance apart or even in separate pots, to be transplanted later. As these seeds grow separate from each other, we too must grow separate from each other.  Your growth rate may be differrent from another and here you are with your roots bursting out of the pot you were put in, ready to be transplanted to a bigger and better pot, while another is struggling to keep a single green leaf. 

Be resilient!  I've seen trees that burst through concrete because the roots spread so much.  It had to grow, and it wasn't letting a slab of concrete get in its way.  So what more are you than a tree?  Are you letting something hard block your growth?  Push through it!

My plant is stuck where I plant it, but you have a choice.  If you aren't growing, you can change your "pot", or you can change your fertlizer.  What are you feeding yourself daily that will cause growth in your Life?  If you want the flowers and the fruit, you have to be willing to put in the work.  Do something every day that will encourage your growth - feed your spirit, read books, develop skills, learn something new, spend quality time with loved ones.  What you feed in your Life is what will grow.

The pot you are planted in is your mind, and like a plant will not grow well in a small pot, you will not grow until you open your mind to the possibility of achieving your God-given potential.  The Japanese art of Bonsai turns what would have grown into a huge tree into a table-top miniature version.  God planted the seed; what you do with it is your choice.  Do you want to be a full-sized tree, or a table-top tree?  It's your choice.

If you plant a seed this year, and you see that first little leaf pop out of the soil, by next year you should have something that is much, much bigger.  We can't look the same way this time next year.  If we do, it means we haven't grown.  Nurture yourself where you are planted.  Where there is good nourishment, push your roots deep, spread them out...

Now grow!